One-click and password-free login – social login for your website

Do you have a website that requires users to create accounts? You could be driving away around 24% of potential buyers by doing so. This is according to research from 2022 by Baymard, an independent UX research institute online. 

In today’s developing world, forcing users to create more accounts and remember their login data is met with criticism. It is worth taking care of users’ comfort, reducing the time it takes and providing them with the possibility of instant login with just one click

But does the implementation of this functionality offer benefits alone? Every stick has two ends and it is no different in this case. What is it? You will find out in a moment. 

What is a one-click social login?

One-click social login (also known as social login, password-free login, 1-click login, one-click login, 1 click login) is a simple and immediate method of logging in to a website without having to create a new account or enter login details for an already created account. This saves your website’s audience time and means they do not have to think up and remember more usernames and password combinations to access your site.

How does a one-click social login work? 

One-click login identity verification is carried out via the user’s third-party account, for example via email, social media, a dedicated brand account or even online banking. Popular methods include Facebook login and Google account login. 

For the most part, this works in such a way that the user, when logging in to a particular portal, for example,, can choose independently which option to use: traditional login or with one click. In the case of the second option, he or she will be redirected to an external page and have to enter the correct login data for that site’s account (unless he or she is already logged in in the background). If the wrong details are entered, the authentication will fail and the user will not be granted further access. Success will result in closing the session and gaining access to

Most portals offer functionality that logs you into the administration panel by default and immediately after clicking the appropriate button. However, this solution is not standard and logging in may be done differently. That is, there are services where you first have to create an account, voluntarily link it to the portal in question and only then can you use the login via this portal (without having to enter the login details of the main account) – as is the case with

Examples of the use of social login 

For the needs of this article, we have gathered some examples for you of sites that have one-click logins implemented at their site via various portals. See how common and different logging in methods are on the market. 

How many and which one-click login portals do you have an account with? – write it in the comments under this article. 

Login to your Canva account
Various forms of logging in on
Sign in eBay
Logging in with Facebook, Google account and Apple account on eBay

Why does your website need one-click login functionality? 

Increasing sales

One key factor as to why you should be interested in implementing social login on your site is to increase revenue. We mentioned at the beginning of the article that, on average, 24% of users who need to create an account abandon their purchases and abandon their shopping carts. By reducing this percentage, you will increase conversions.    

reasons for abandonments during checkout 2022
Reasons for leaving online shopping in 2022, Source:

Improve the User Experience

The convenience of your audience should be your top priority. By providing one-click login functionality on your website, you will contribute to a more convenient use of your site and save time for your users. You will eliminate the need to create new accounts and remember subsequent login details. Registration on your site will be simple and quick.

By introducing a one-click login, you will make your website easier to use for mobile users and provide them with quick access to your customer panel. After all, it is easier to complete the required registration fields from a computer than from a mobile device. In addition, pages are not always optimised for small screens.   

social media users internet users
Number of internet and social media users worldwide, as of July 2022. Source:

You will adapt to the main trends

Social media is omnipresent, and, in all likelihood, everyone has a minimum of one account on a particular site. According to a report provided by the DataReportal service (a portal offering global digital statistics), more than 75 per cent of the global population used social media in 2022, so it is worth being tuned in to these very channels.

According to a report by LoginRadius (a company that offers customer registration services), social login was the preferred method of logging in (over the traditional method) for nearly 74% of users aged 18–25 and nearly 62% of users aged 26-35 in 2022. The graph shows the growing demand for social login among young people and market demand for the functionality in question. 

social login prefer
Age preference for social login Source: Consumer Digital Identity Trend Report 2022 By Deepak Gupta and Rakeh Soni (loginradius)

Moreover, another graph shows that social media logins are provided by approximately 27% of the companies surveyed.

login offering preference
Percentage of social login usage in companies. Source: Consumer Digital Identity Trend Report 2022 By Deepak Gupta and Rakeh Soni (loginradius)

Which social logins are worth implementing in Europe?

According to the LoginRadius 2022 report, the clear favourites in Europe are Facebook and Google. If you would like to implement social login on your website in the European market, then you should think about implementing these two preferred logging in methods. 

europe trends
The popularity of social login in Europe Source: Consumer Digital Identity Trend Report 2022 By Deepak Gupta and Rakeh Soni (loginradius)

You will gather more user data 

New accounts translate into unique data about your customers. User information will be useful in building marketing campaigns and allow you to define your target audience accurately. By implementing social login on your website, you will be able to obtain up to 200 different, verified user data

social login
Examples of possible data to be extracted from social media. Source:  

You will decrease the number of fake accounts 

The advantage of using social login is that it can reduce the number of fake accounts on the site. This will be useful especially for the site administrator and for the customer as well. The creation of fake accounts is a scam that can contribute, for example, to the unethical dissemination of false information, influencing product reviews and ratings, or even the distribution of malware within the site. If you link logins only to social media accounts that verify customer data, you will contribute to reducing the number of fake registrations

Disadvantages of one-click login

Convenient one-click logins are also associated with some negative aspects. Some of these are partly under our control and can be mitigated, and partly depend on users’ attitudes and convictions, which are even more difficult to change. 


Just imagine that an unauthorised person has gained access to your computer, where you are by default unlogged out of popular channels: Facebook, Gmail, and Instagram. With access to even one of these channels, there is a significant risk that via the social login functionality, the person will gain access to further portals, even if they do not know the passwords to them. And if, for example, you have a connected card at a particular shop, you are giving the thief the green light to shop with your money. Therefore, avoid leaving logged accounts on your portals and do not leave your computer or smartphone switched on around unknown people.

Lack of user trust

The disadvantage of social login is that not all users will trust your site and will willingly log in with their private profiles. Additionally, many people do not trust corporate giants such as Facebook or Google. It can be difficult to convince users to log in using a social login if they have had bad security experiences in the past on other sites that offer this type of login. Therefore, they should be given a choice

Overlooking customers who do not have a social media account

If your website only had a social media login, you could be restricting access to a narrow audience by doing so. 


To base your website solely on social logins may be equated by your audience with a lack of respect for their private data.

False information

Social media logins do not necessarily imply reliable information by themselves and may also provide false data. Social media mostly do not require their users to register with real data and have no obligation to verify it. This in turn can hurt marketing activities and make contact more difficult if, for example, an email address or telephone number is fake.

Social login for your website and online shop

One-click logins are by far a very convenient and comfortable way of gaining access to shops and websites. Relying on the charts presented earlier, this method is provided by approximately 27% of global companies. Additionally, it is the preferred method of Generation Z (born 1995+) and Generation Y (born 1980-1996). If you are forward-thinking, interested in new customers and would like to meet the needs of younger generations, implement social login on your websites.

At MSERWIS, we will gladly help you with this and implement any forms of social login you may dream of (if possible, of course)! Contact us and let’s discuss the details together.


One-click social login has its advantages and disadvantages. This form of accessing a customer’s account is associated with speed, simplicity, and convenience. It removes the need to generate successive profiles and remember login details. With a social login, you will be able to collect unique data about your audience. You will be able to increase sales and keep impatient audiences on the site.

However, you need to take into account that not all users will willingly log in to your site via their social profiles. These will be users who value their privacy, are concerned about the security of their data and do not trust the corporate giants. Furthermore, not all users have social media accounts.

It is a good idea to provide users with alternatives, i.e. both social login and traditional login. Apart from this, choose forms of social login tailored to your target audience.

In the article, we outlined why you should have a social login on your website and the mutual benefits of this form of authorisation. If you would like to implement this solution on your website, please contact us. We will be happy to help you!

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